Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as the most powerful liberalizing tool of global opportunism
2023-06-04, 10:00–10:45 (Europe/Prague), 🍎 Rajská zahrada

The first step towards liberation is through the realization of the unfreedom of the status quo. We are born as tax slaves, we are universally discriminated against according to our place of birth, the state brands us, catalogues us, and usurps full control over all our economic activities.

Is it possible to leap out of the status quo and gain substantially more economic and personal freedom?

Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies represent the most powerful liberalization tools. Thanks to them, we can all be global and flexible.

They also make it easier and simpler than ever to 'opt-out' of the system.

Content in English / Obsah v angličtině 🇬🇧 – no Difficulty (obtížnost)

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Tagy (klíčová slova)

global opportunism, freedom, bitcoin, globality, flexibility, flag theory

Global Opportunist, cryptoanarchist, voluntaryist, perpetual traveler focused on technology and society hacking. More information at